The Science Behind Amazing Brains

The Power of Brain Training & Why We Do What We Do

Evidence-Based Research

Does brain training actually work? The answer is YES! And there’s SO much research to support it! But don’t take our word for it.

There are over 700 scientific studies in support of the effectiveness of cognitive training. Accumulating evidence continues to prove that the ever-changing brain can be RESET and REWIRED. In fact, research has revealed consistent, long-term stimulation and variation to mental activity enhances your cognitive ability to reach your highest self and make long-lasting positive behavior changes.

Maximizing Your Brain to Operate on All Cylinders

Your brain is like a muscle that continues to develop as you age. Just like any other muscle in your body, it requires regular exercise to function as powerfully and effectively as possible. Our results-driven brain training programs are based on the scientific principle of neuroplasticity – your brain’s AMAZING ability to continuously adapt and change by forming new neural connections in response to learning, experience, and trauma. These pathways ultimately shape how you move, act, and think. Our team of top neuroscientists and brain facilitators work with you to build a toolbox of life-transforming RESET and REWIRE skills and techniques to best take control of your mind-body connection for optimal cognitive function and performance.  Because the better you train your brain, the better it performs.

Experience the AMAZING results of a fit brain:

  • Decreased feelings of anxiety and depression
  • Heightened self-awareness and mental clarity
  • Improved cognitive performance, executive functions, and self-regulation
  • Increased motivation and productivity
  • Enhanced thinking and reaction time
  • Reduced cognitive decline from aging and neurodegenerative diseases

Tools We Use

We use a combination of advanced neuroscience tool and modalities to induce change in the brain to create better habits and restore mental calm and stability leading to greater success and happiness.

  • Neurofeedback & Home Training
  • Neuromodulation
  • Neuromeditation
  • Biofeedback
  • Brain Mapping
  • Flow State
  • Cold Exposure Therapy
  • Sleep Therapy

Ready to RESET your brain and REGAIN control? Don’t wait any longer, it’s time to get the jump on life

Start Training

Neuromodulation, neurofeedback, and biofeedback are likened to an exercise training program, much like physical therapy for the brain as a slow, gradual process of change.  75-80% of patients are able to clinically improve their symptoms by over 50%. Many patients are able to completely eradicate their conditions including anxiety, depression, enuresis, attention issues.  Depending on the severity of some conditions, symptoms may be completely eradicated or symptom presentations may show great improvement including stroke rehabilitation and traumatic brain injuries.

Tools We Use

One of the things we’ve learned over the years is that there is a specific tool that works for everyone.

1. Neuromodulation

Neuromodulation is a technology that acts directly upon nerves. It is the alteration—or modulation—of nerve activity by delivering electrical or pharmaceutical agents directly to a target area.

Micah wrote the book on Neuromodulation. Buy his book now.

2. Neurofeedback & Home Training

Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback using EEG electrodes placed on the scalp to measure brain waves in real-time. It provides instantaneous positive or negative feedback through visual and audio cues to modify brain activity. When the EEG detects brain wave activity has met the preset goals of treatment, the brain is rewarded with positive feedback. There is no input of electrical activity in the brain, only recording and sending back of surface electrical data. Treatments are painless, and there are generally no side effects.


  • The Benefits of Neurofeedback Therapy
  • Better concentration and focus
  • Relief from PTSD symptoms, Parkinson’s disease
  • Reduced anxiety and stress
  • Better sleep
  • Improved mood and relief from depression
  • Inflammation reduction
  • Boost in cognitive performance

Jumpstart brain into a learning process

Brain Waves 101

Brain waves occur at various frequencies. Some are fast, and some are quite slow. There is no good or bad wave. But, if we have too much of one or the other, the imbalance can negatively affect us.

We look at four different wave, Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta, and use neurofeedback therapy to create balance.

3. Neuromeditation

Neuromeditation is the application of brain-based principles to meditation practices. Determined by the way attention is directed, your intention during the practice, and the way it impacts the brain, all meditations fall into one of 4 categories: Focus, Mindfulness, Quiet Mind, and Open Heart. Each style has a different impact on the brain.

AVE device

4. Biofeedback

Biofeedback is a mind-body therapy using visual or auditory feedback to measure physiological signals from your body, such as blood pressure and heart rate. It is a risk-free way to take control of certain bodily processes to improve performance, ease symptoms and boost health. Treatment can help alleviate symptoms of high blood pressure, stress, headaches, migraines, and general pain.

Brain Mapping

Brain mapping is a set of neuroscience techniques that depicts brain activity through a visual map indicating the function of different signals and wavelengths in the brain. It involves using the state-of-the-art 19 channel Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG) to view the brain’s response to stimuli when in its resting state.

This information can help identify patterns of stress, fear, lack of focus, overthinking, and older injuries. Our team utilizes these results to develop a customized program for you to follow that will not only boost your time in flow, but help you break through old patterns of struggle, feeling stuck, and overworked.

We also use a variety of neurocognitive assessments to track your progress in terms of focus, memory, reasoning, and impulse control. This, coupled with the QEEG and your goals, creates a roadmap for you to create rapid success and changes in your life.

Flow State: Amazing Mind Hack for Peak Performance

Have you ever been so fully immersed in a project, everything – your sense of self, effort, and time – completely falls away and you couldn’t be happier?  You were most likely experiencing flow. Flow, also known as being in the zone, is a state of effortlessness, selflessness, and timelessness. It is when you feel your best and perform your best.

Accessing flow is another brain training technique used to manipulate the neuroplasticity of the brain. When flow is achieved and a challenging, new experience is introduced, the brain alters, rewires, or grows neural connections to adapt. This enables you meet the demands of the task at hand and perform at an exponentially higher level, both physically and cognitively.

Flow makes you more productive, creative, motivated, and happy.

Achieving flow is the key to unlocking your full potential. You have the ability to tap into peak performance anytime, anywhere. It’s just knowing how to do it. Through our program, you’ll learn how to successfully enter flow states on-demand more frequently and for longer periods of time.

Ready to change your life and make it stick? Get in touch today to learn how Amazing Brains can help you hack into flow so that you can live a happier and healthier life.

FREE Consult

We use flow to…

Reduce stress, be more creative, progress faster in our careers, relationships and physical tasks.

McKinsey found a 500% increase in productivity by executives who regularly access flow states. Harvard found subjects to have THREE DAYS of heightened creativity after the flow state. Advanced Brain Monitoring & Darpa found subjects to have a 490% increase in skill acquisition. The University of Sydney found subjects to have a 430% increase in creative problem-solving!

– Flow Research Collective

Are these numbers real?

Yes! Thanks to the ongoing research and growing amount of supporting evidence on the flow state and how it is activated, those numbers continue climb!

Through Brain Training

We help you improve:

Find Solutions

Nervous System Regulation


Stress Responses






How does it all work?

Neurofeedback works by measuring an individual’s EEG that are recorded and communicated to the patient to facilitate improvement in neural communication.  Recognizing that an individual’s arousal is vulnerable to the patterns of neuronal oscillations (repetitive neuronal activity) these oscillations are measured through the use of an electroencephalogram, which measures brain waves also known as signal frequencies.

With Operant Conditioning as the mechanism of action, neurofeedback is conducted by placing electrodes on the scalp that measure brain waves in real-time. Instantaneous feedback is provided to the subject allowing the influence of brainwaves.

Understood as reconditioning and retraining brain waves (Hammond, 2011), the patient is provided with feedback reinforcing a pattern the clinician has preset.  There is no input of electrical activity in the brain, only recording and sending surface electrical data back to the trainee.

Interested in any of these solutions? Schedule a 15 minute consult, today!


Are you interested in more science behind what we do? Here’s a list of resources and studies!

Check out our blog for more information

Additional Resources

