Neuromodulation for Kids + Teens

Is your child struggling with…

  • Focus?
  • Getting tasks and homework done for school?
  • Tech overuse?
  • Mood regulation and tantrums?
  • Sadness or worry?
  • Symptoms like those struggling with ADHD, TBI/Concussion symptoms, Depression, etc.?
Sign Up for a Consult

How We Help

There is nothing wrong with you, your family, or your kid! We help by normalizing the issues, making the experience comfortable, and being an encouraging avenue to work through issues and struggles.

Our goal is to help your child or teen live their best life. Ultimately, we can assist with focus to improve sports performance, mood regulation to help family dynamics and behavior, increase flow to boost grades and enhance passion for projects, sports or creativity, and help with sleep, general sadness or nervousness, worry, and more.

We also offer our membership site to all clients, including parents of our young clients. On the membership site, there are opportunities to expand knowledge around focus, mindfulness, parenting skills, and much more. This way, you benefit and can assist in helping your child make the most out of their Amazing Brains experience.

So, what is qEEG Brain Mapping anyway?

Electroencephalography (EEG) is the measurement of electrical patterns in the brain’s cortex from the surface of the scalp. It reflects cortical activity, also known as brainwaves, and can show areas where there is too little or too much activity, as well as areas that are not fully engaged or processing efficiently.

Quantitative EEG (qEEG) is the analysis of the raw data in 19 areas of your brain displayed in pictures and is also called “brain mapping”. This interpretation helps us look further into your brainwave patterns and ratios to create an individualized treatment plan for you.

Setting up brain map with coaching client

What will the first session for my child/teen be like?

The first time they come in, we’ll make sure we are clear on goals, discuss the intake survey, and do a brain map. The brain map includes wearing a special cap that will measure brain electrical activity with saline and sponges. The reading will take place in a resting state while sitting still in a comfortable chair. Nothing about this process should hurt or feel uncomfortable. The entire session will take about 45-50 minutes. Then, it will take about a week to process the data before we can discuss a fitting treatment plan based on how the data aligns with the goals discussed.

Although we can provide certain markers for some disorders, we are not here to diagnose. We are simply here to listen to your struggles, discuss your hopes and dreams, and take a look inside your brain to analyze where certain issues might be stemming from. Then, we can create a plan of action to promote a balanced optimized brain in those desired neural networks of your brain.

  • Disclaimer: if we are ever treating a specific disorder like ADHD, depression, anxiety, OCD, etc. then that is being done through our partnerships and separate licensing.
Neuro RX with EEG on coaching client

Our 5 Step Process

1. Consultation:

We start by listening. Often people have already consulted many experts by the time they find us and are feeling frustrated.

Through our initial consultation, we seek to understand your unique challenges, determine whether our services are a good fit, and answer any questions you have about the process. We will also identify your family goals and discuss how they align.


Family session in Frisco with Hoberman Sphere

2. Clinical History & Goal Setting:

Before we start, you’ll fill out a clinical intake form for your child followed up by a discussion with us about symptoms and challenges as well as the goals that you and your child would like to achieve throughout your time here at Amazing Brains.

Family brain map review

3. Brain Map & Review:

Every client starts by getting a brain map (qEEG) that will take a comprehensive picture of your brain waves and help create an individualized protocol to recondition your brain wave activity for improvement in symptoms.

EEG scan with coaching client

Each session, electrodes will be placed on the scalp at designated sites based on individualized protocol and will generate pulsed electromagnetic frequencies (TACS) to shift brain patterns. During the treatment, the coach will discuss progress and guide your child through strategies they can use at home to optimize results. There are also games to play, including board games and biofeedback games, specially designed to enhance their experience and put your child at ease during the process.

We’ll start off with the lowest amplitude and increase depending on sensitivity. Rare sensitivities to the electrodes include some itchiness, tingling, or eye flashes (the phosphene effect), and will typically go away with habituation to the treatment. Neuromodulation increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain, so it’s very important to stay hydrated to avoid headaches.

4. Regular Brain Training Sessions:

Once a treatment protocol is designed, we perform regular neurostimulation sessions using specialized computer equipment, an amplifier, and sensors placed on the scalp at your unique designated sites.

Masked Hooking up Neuromodulation coaching client

The brain and body are connected. The choices we make regarding health, hygiene, and self-care can actually change the levels of neurotransmitters in your brain. The gut makes up more than half of the serotonin in your body! Although research shows guidelines of best practice for healthy living, there is no true one size fits all solution. Different routines and practices can shift brain waves to help your child optimize their protocol and see results faster — we offer kid-friendly and attainable goals/practices that won’t overwhelm daily life or routines.

5. Retesting & Results:

After 10 sessions, we do another brain map to see quantifiable results and discuss a new treatment plan if it is beneficial to continue.

Setting up EEG cap on coaching client

SCHEDULE A FREE 15-MINUTE CONSULT and see if brain training is the right fit for you!

How it’s done at Home

We have teamed up with Newmind technologies to offer cutting edge research-based neurofeedback from your home. Once you enroll in a program and have your first session, we can discuss home options. 

If you choose home training, you will be given a Newmind device to use at home and instructed how and how often to utilize that device.

Manikin wearing EEG cap and AVE glasses

Trust the Science

Over 700 Peer-Reviewed Studies

There are over 700 peer-reviewed studies using neurostimulation in the scientific literature, so we can verify it’s legitimacy.

Over the past 10 years of Amazing Brains operating we have used a variety of systems and approaches with varying results. This hard-earned wisdom has lead us to find devices, protocols, and lenses that really work with our clients. Think about it as we want to use the right tool for the job and having a diverse tool belt really helps.

Learn More about The Science

NeuroField equipment

Is sleep challenging for your child? Download our free sleeping resource for tips on sleeping better! (ADD LINK)

What Other parents are Saying

“I am grateful that Micah has been a part of my son’s journey towards wellness.”

A life changing event caused my son to became isolated and depressed.  After hearing about Amazing Brains from a friend, I was willing to give it a try and thankful my son agreed.  Over the past year Micah has been instrumental in helping my son acquire skills which have enabled him to move forward with a healthier life.  Micah quickly developed a trusting and nurturing relationship with my son.  He was patient with the process and adjusted sessions between neurofeedback and outdoor settings as needed.  His explanation of the process and sharing of the brain scans was amazing.  It really helps to understand the individual and leaves you amazed at the human brain!  Micah provided hope and confidence of a happier future.  A future that included school, outdoor recreation and happy days ahead.  The change I see in my son from the impact of time spent at Amazing Brains is beyond measurable.  Micah has been my God-send — he truly delivered the help we needed and I will forever be grateful.
